Sunday, September 7, 2014

Weekly News Sept. 8 - Sept. 12

What are we learning this week?:
  • Math - Topic 4 = Subtracting Whole Numbers - Quiz on Friday, Sept. 12, Math Madness (multiplication) Please study your multiplication facts.
  • Language Arts  - Story= Earth Smart, Genre= nonfiction, skill= Main Idea and Details
  • Vocabulary Words - donate, unaware, contribute, members
  • Writing - Learning the Power Paragraph,and writing your own, Grammar - Synonyms
  • Cursive - Continuing the lowercase alphabet
  • Current Events -  Current event projects are due Friday, 9/19 - Please check backpacks for more information.
Please Remember:

  • Please remember that on Tuesday night vocabulary sentences will be assigned. all four sentences are required to be "Masterpiece Sentences". Students will bring home their flip books to use as a reference.
  • Spelling packets will go home on  Monday and be due on Thursday. On Thursday, students will be tested on the words.
  • Tests this week include: Thursday = spelling, Friday = reading comprehension and Topic 4 math quiz
  • We have raised enough money to purchase Scholastic News. They will arrive shortly. Thank you to all who donated and those that donated extra.

    9/9 - Early Tuesday - dismissal 1:30pm
    9/11 - 9/12 - I will be out of the classroom and attending a training. the substitute will have my full lesson plan.

    9/13-  Pancake Breakfast  - Yummy!!!!!

    Have a great week! Have you joined PTA? It is only $6

    Mrs. Barnes