Sunday, September 21, 2014

QAR Strategies

September 21, 2014

Dear Room 14 Families,

The school year is really progressing nicely.  I want to thank you for making this a great year thus far.  We are now at 24 students, and with the smaller class size, we can accomplish so much more. 
Many of you have been concerned about the grades your child has been receiving in Reading Comprehension.  Specifically, the Question and Answer Strategies (“QAR”) have proven to be challenging.  I want to assure you, your child is not graded solely on reading comprehension QAR tests.  As the year progresses, students will gain familiarity and will begin to see results and more success. 
QAR strategies are broken up into four groups:
1.     RT - Right There – The answer is in one place in the text.
2.     TS - Think and Search – The answer is in the text, just in several places.
3.     AM - Author and Me or I for Inferencing – The answer is not in the text.  Think about what you know and what is in the text.  How do they fit together?  (AM and I are the same strategy)
4.     OMO - On My Own or DC – Drawing Conclusions - The answer is not written in the text.  You have to think about what you already know.  (OMO and DC are the same strategy)

These strategies are used to (1) improve students reading comprehension, (2) teach students how to ask questions about their reading and where to find the answers to them, (3) encourage students to think about what they are reading, and (4) inspire them to think creatively and work cooperatively while challenging them to use higher-level thinking skills.  These strategies are not merely 3rd grade specific.  You will see recurring use of them as your child moves on to the upper grades.  Greater familiarity now will greatly benefit them going forward. 
My hope is this letter clarifies and eases some concerns many of you are having.  As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 


Mrs. Barnes