Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weekly News Sept. 15 - Sept. 19

This Week's News:
  • Math - Continue with subtraction and learning about multiplication. Topic 4 test on 9/19
  • Language Arts  - Story = Wolf!, Genre= Fantasy, skill= Compare and Contrast
  • Vocabulary Words - passion, bothering, admire, concentrate, ached, splendid
  • Grammar - predicates
  • Writing - Publish power paragraphs
  • Current Events -  Current event projects are due Friday, 9/19 - Please check backpacks for more information.
Notes and Reminders:

  • Friday 9/19 - Current Event projects due. Please be sure to staple the article to the current event worksheets.
  • Spelling Packet 4 due Thursday 9/18.
  • Late homework is always accepted for credit. However late homework will not be graded.
  • Thank you to all my graders. Your help is invaluable.

    9/22 - Reorganization of classes

    9/25- No School

    9/16, 9/23, 9/30 -  Early Dismissal

    10/1 - Reading calendars due

    Have a fabulous week! 

    Mrs. Barnes