Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekly News Aug. 18 - Aug. 22

  • Math -  Working with greater numbers, making organized lists, and reading numbers.
  • Language Arts  - Story: First Day Jitters, Genre: Realistic Fiction, Skill: Character, Setting, Plot
  • Writing Letter -  What are your 3rd grade goals
  • Spelling Words - Pattern short vowel sounds: clap, crop, step, snack, stamp, sick, mess, jump, rock, head, click, luck, shut, pond
  • Vocabulary Words -  nervous, chuckled, nonsense, fumbled
  • Art - Each student needs to bring in  magazines, newspapers and pictures for a summer collage reflection  - Thursday 8/14.


  • Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing for P.E. We have some form of physical activity on a daily basis.
  • I would like to subscribe to Scholastic New as soon as possible, so please donate $5 if you are able.
  • VAPA Drama begins 8/19
  • I have a training all day 8/21. Mrs. Simons will be the substitute teacher!
  • An adult must sign your child's homework log every night.

8/19 - VAPA Drama -  10:20 -11:10

8/20 - Computer Lab -  10:20 -11"05

8/21 - Focus Fish P.E. -  10"20 - 11:15

8/20 -  Admission Day - No School

9/1 -  Labor Day - No School

9/2 - First Early Tuesday - Dismissal 1:30 pm

Have a great week! 

Mrs. Barnes