Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekly News Nov. 10 - Nov. 14

What are we learning this week?
  • Math -  Topic 14 – Multiplying Greater Numbers = Using the algorithm – Topic 14 test on 11/14.  We will review in class.
  • Language Arts  - Week 6 of Unit 2 is reserved for review.  Our focus this week will be to review concepts from weeks 1-5.
  • Writing – Informative, Expository
    • Cursive - Students will be writing in cursive instead of printing.  This is a difficult transition.  There will be lighter written homework this week to accommodate this transition. 
    • Vocabulary – We are reviewing all 28 vocabulary words from Unit 2.  The vocabulary test is Wednesday, 11/12.  A study guide will go home on Monday, 11/10. 
    • Science/Social Studies/Health - Science test is 11/14.  Rotations will resume January 2015.

    Please Note:

    •    Thank you to Bobby’s mother, Ryan’s mother, and Ms. Ebert for helping us with the garden and garden activities.  The lesson reinforced what we are doing in Science.  We had a great time!!!!
           Parent Conferences – Conferences are scheduled for 11/10, 11/12, 11/13, and 11/14.  Notices were sent home with your scheduled day/time.  If you are unable to attend, please call Nora at 323-225-8320 to reschedule.  She has my calendar.  
    • Science Test – All students, regardless of what group you are in, will take the science test on 11/14.  Study guides will go home the week of 11/3.  If you have misplaced your study guide, you can print another one from Room 14’s website.
    • Scholastic Book orders were sent home on Friday, 11/7.  This is the last order for 2014.  The next order will be sent home in January 2015.

        11/10, 11/12, 11/13 and 11/14 – Dismissal is at 12:50.  Brunch will be served from 10 – 10:30.
        11/11 – No School
        11/12 – Vocabulary Test
        11/14 - Science test for all groups

        Have a terrific week!  ~ Mrs. Barnes