Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly News Oct. 13 - Oct. 17

What are we learning this week?
  • Math -   District Math Test on Wednesday 10/15.  Monday and Tuesday are review days.
  • Language Arts  -   District Writing Assessment – This assessment will be given all week
  • Cursive -   Uppercase alphabet 
  • Science/Social Studies/Health - Monday 10/6, Wednesday 10/8, and Thursday 10/9Mrs. Aceves = Health, Mrs. Barnes = Science, and Ms. Ryan = Social Studies
  • Art - Fall Landscapes

Please Note:

  •     Due to the district math and writing assessments this week, I will not be assigning any nightly homework.  However, spelling packet is due Thursday 10/16, current events are due Friday 10/17, and the Native American report is due Friday 10/24. Please continue to read 30 minutes every night.  Additionally, we will not be writing homework down in the homework logs.  Nightly homework will begin again on Monday, 10/20.

        Ms. Ryan assigned a Social Studies project due on October 24th.  Please ask your child to show you the assignment.  All students have chosen a tribe and have a handout about their tribe.  If your child is not satisfied with their tribe or they have questions, please see Ms. Ryan.

      10/13, 10/15, and 10/16 – Science, Social Studies, and Health Rotations:1:30 – 2:15
      10/13 – PTA Meeting 6:00 pm
      10/14– Early Tuesday – dismissal 1:30
      1016 - The Great Shake – 8:30 a.m.
      10/16 – Santa Cecilia Orchestra presentation 11:15 in the MPR

                         Have a fantastic week!  ~ Mrs. Barnes