Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly News Jan. 19th - Jan. 23rd

What are we learning this week?
  • Math -   Fractions – Comparing Fractions, Using Fractions, and Fractions on a Number Line.  We will be preparing for the district math test scheduled for the week of 2/9.  
  • Language Arts  -  This week and next, our focus is on the district writing assessment.  The assessment covers writing, reading, listening, speaking, language, and science standards.  
  • Spelling  Lesson 21.  The spelling packet and test is due on 1/22.
  • Art – Art portfolios
  • Science/Social Studies/Health - Rotations this week are scheduled for 1/21, 1/22, and 1/23

Please Note:
     Language Arts homework this week and next will be sporadic and not typical due to the district writing assessment.  Math will remain the same.  Please refer to the homework journal and my website for nightly homework.

    There are no stories or vocabulary homework this week and next due to the writing assessment.  The writing assessment has these elements, but needs to be completed in class.

   Scholastic Book Order due on Wednesday 1/21

•  We will be taking the STAR Accelerated Reading test in the computer lab this week.  Students will receive a new independent reading level.  Results will be sent home once all students have been tested.


      1/20 – Early dismissal 1:30
      1/21, 1/22, 1/23 – Science, S.S., Health Rotations – Homework was assigned last week in S.S. and is due this week. 

      1/21 – Scholastic Book Order due

      Have a stupendous week!    
      ~ Mrs. Barnes