Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly News Jan. 12th - Jan. 16th

What are we learning this week?
  • Math -   Fractions – Comparing Fractions, Using Fractions, and Fractions on a Number Line.  We will be preparing for the district math test scheduled for the week of 2/9.  
  • Language Arts  -  Story:  What do Illustrators do?, Genre: narrative nonfiction,  skill: sequence, grammar – future-tense verbs
  • Spelling Lesson 20.  The spelling packet is due 1/15.  The test is also on 1/15.
  • Writing –  Informative, Expository  – Steps to making a pancake.  We will be preparing to take the district writing test scheduled for the week of 1/26.
  • Vocabulary –   instance, illustrate, style, textures, sketches, suggestions
  • Science/Social Studies/Health -   Rotations begin this week.  They are scheduled for Monday 1/12, Wednesday 1/14, and Thursday 1/15 from 1:30 – 2:15.  Ms. Ryan teaches Social Studies, Mrs. Aceves teaches Health, and Mrs. Barnes teaches Science.  Group 1 = Kyle, Stella, Henry, Joy, Jaime, Marianna, Bobby, Iman.  Group 2 = Micah, Lauren, Iztli, August, Max, Ryan, Marley, Sevilla.  Group 3 = Luke, Dillon, Renee, Silas, Isabel, Juliet, Gianna, Connor.  Reminder:  If you have Social Studies on a Monday, your homework is due the following Monday.

Please Note:
     Welcome back and Happy New Year!!!! 

    The winter break homework is due Monday, 1/12.  Please turn it in as soon as possible for credit.

   Thank you to all the parent volunteers and parent donations before the winter break.  You are truly amazing!  We had such a great time and learned so much.  We could not have done it without you all!!!!!!!  Thank you!!!!!!


      1/12, 1/14, 1/15 – Science, S.S., Health Rotations
      1/13 – Early dismissal 1:30

      1/19 – No School

      Have a fabulous week!  ~ Mrs. Barnes