Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weekly News Dec. 1st - Dec. 5th

What are we learning this week?
  • Math -   Topic 9 – Fractions 
  • Language Arts  -   Story: Dear Juno, Genre: Realistic Fiction, Grammar: present tense verbs, skill – character traits
  • Writing –  Informative, Expository
    • Cursive -  Students will be writing in cursive instead of printing.  Spelling packet and test should be in printing only.
    • Vocabulary – crackle, announced, soared, starry, noticed
    • Science/Social Studies/Health 
      No rotations this week.  Rotations will resume January 2015.  

    Please Note:
      A new style of vocabulary sheets will be sent home this week.  These sheets will be used for the rest of the school year.
       Wolf Pack run will be on Friday, 12/5.  Please wear your wolf pack run t-shirt, and wear appropriate shoes.  Room 14’s events will begin at 8:30 and end at 9:00.

     Room 14 will attend the Scholastic Book Fair this week on 12/2 and 12/3 from 8:50 – 9:10.  If you would like to purchase books on these days, please bring money to buy items.

    • Our VAPA drama class is ending.  We will perform our play on Tuesday, 12/16 at 10:20.  All are welcome.

    • Third grade will be having a winter potluck celebration on Wednesday, 12/17.  Please look for the flyer and sign up to participate.  Students will not need a lunch this day. 

        12/2 – Early dismissal – 1:30
        12/2 – 12/3 – Scholastic Book Fair 8:50 – 9:10
        12/5 – Wolf Pack Run – 8:30 – 9:00
        12/15 - School Winter Program – 1:00
        12/16 – VAPA Drama play

        12/17 – Third Grade Winter Potluck Celebration

        Have an awesome week!  ~ Mrs. Barnes